Our Lady said many times, “I am coming because of my love for you.”
She loves us so much.
She only knows the depth of the love she has for us.
I am coming because of the love I have for you.
I want you to repent.
I want you to remove the thorns surrounding the Sacred Heart of my Son.
That is to love Jesus more and do reparation for sins of others.
I come because I love you, to shield you from the power of the Devil and envelope you in my Immaculate Heart.
I come because I love you, to teach you to pray and encourage you to pray and help you find joy in praying.
I come because I love you and want to be honoured here as the Mediatrix of All Graces.
I will help you to fight sin and live habitually in state of grace.
I come because I love you and care for your body and soul.
I offer you the holy spring to cure your body and soul.
There is no need mentioning or enumerating so many needs of yours.
I am aware of them but I order you in my unique way to seek the kingdom of God first and other needs of yours would be taken care of besides.

I come because I love you, to help you value the importance of Mass in your life.
To love the Holy Mass and enter into its beauty.
To help you understand that the Holy Mass gives God glory.
I come because I love you, to help you prepare at all times with everything you do with your eye on heaven.
Helping you to understand the place of suffering and penance in your life.
You are here because you are answering my call and I am happy that when I call, you answer me.
Let my messages remind you of what I want from you and reflecting on them so you will understand more and more why I came here.
It is because I love you.
Listen to this, our Lady said to the children of Fatima, when you suffer something, say often, Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of you, for conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you this suffering.
Why I am coming down from heaven is because I want to remind you of what to do and what you are not to do. Do not sin again and as I have been telling you, pray, pray and pray. Do penance!
Author: Fr. Paulinus Emeka