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Mr Victor Iboyi

Make Yourselves Available for Prayers

Pray for those who have become so confused that they seem to have no way of solving their earthly problems. I do not want the Eternal Father to turn his back on you.

The Blessed Lady appeared and said, "My Children, this is another time for earnest prayers, and you must make yourselves available. Pray for those who have become so confused that they seem to have no way of solving their earthly problems. You must pray for those who are not ready to listen to my message. I, the mother of God continues to remind you to mend your ways because I do not want the Eternal Father to turn his back on you. You must strive to make amends." The message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Christiana at Aokpe Nigeria - 2nd February 1997.

Let Us Reflect Twenty-five years ago, the Blessed Mother was at Aokpe to remind us of the need to go back to prayers: not absent-minded and hasty prayers but earnest ones; prayers that convey the contents of our hearts and comply with the will of the eternal Father.

Many, today, cannot afford to make out time for prayer; we are so busy. Our Lady wants us to make ourselves available for prayer henceforth. Saint Francis de Sales was quoted to have said "Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy – then we need an hour".

The Blessed Mother teaches us in this apparition that as we pray for ourselves, we should also pray and intercede for others. Many people are confused and in difficulty; they cannot pray for themselves. Many also exhibit apathy and disbelief towards our mother’s messages. We must pray for them too. In all, Our Lady reminds us to continue to make amends in our lives every day. To be born again is not a one-off experience. It is a daily walk with God. We should continue to re-examine our lives that we may grow from lukewarmness to fervency and then to perfection: this will please our heavenly Father. We pray for the grace to respond to Our Lady's message positively. Amen

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