The Blessed Lady appeared and said, "The 4th August of this year is the day for graces to be bestowed on those who will ask." Then she gave me prayers to be recited nine (9) days before the 4th.

+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Lady of purity of heart,
Lady of good heart,
Lady of honor that humbles Herself,
Sweetness of angels,
Your heavenly wisdom and your patience surpass all others,
The whole of your life is a purity of heart that has no stain,
Lady the Mediatrix of all graces,
Help us to do without delay the will of Jesus,
Make us worthy to receive the gift that has been given to us so that we may become holy.
Give us the grace to go and greet our Lord Jesus.
Help us to be pure so that we may see heaven.
Help us always to do the will of Jesus,
So that we may share in His Glory.
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Christiana Agbo in Aokpe Nigeria - 1st July 1994

The heavenly Mother appeared at Aokpe to Christiana Agbo. She chose to be known at Aokpe as the Mediatrix of All Graces. She also established 4th August as the Day of Grace. And She demands from all and sundry, a pilgrimage. To prepare for this great pilgrimage, She demanded a 9 days novena, which should begin on the 26th of July. The feast day of our grandmother and father, Anne and Joachim, Her parents.

She gave a special prayer to be recited and meditated upon. This prayer is called: The Prayer of Grace! In this prayer, you find the meaning and the function of our Lady as the Mediatrix of All Graces. This is the traditional prayer of Aokpe. It should be prayed and lived constantly and always. Our heavenly Mother has given us this prayer that touches Her heart.

Let us recall that Our Lady appeared to Christiana Agbo privately and prepared and formed her for the work She wants her to do. When it was time for public apparitions and messages for the world. She gave her the above instructions. That is the reason 4th August 1994 was the First Anniversary of the Day of Grace. This year would celebrate 28 Years of the Day of Grace! I hope you will be coming for the pilgrimage but remember to do your Novena with the Prayer of Grace!
Are You Ready For the 4th August Pilgrimage?
Dont Know Yet
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