Author: Mrs. Justina Ilochi
Let us together reflect on the first point “Attend Holy Mass Worthily, Daily.”
Can we pledge to attend Holy Mass daily?
Yes, we can!!!!
We can all attend Holy Mass daily because even if we can’t attend in person daily, we can join online. There are several online daily Holy Masses happening at all times throughout the day and we can attend when we can’t physically be present. The pandemic has made this possible.
You can use this link
To attend Holy Mass worthily requires us to examine our conscience frequently particularly in the 20-30 minutes before Holy Mass when we should be silent and contemplative. It is good to use published material to help with examination of conscience. This way we carryout actions before Holy Mass that are pleasing to Jesus. We check that we are not in a state of mortal or venial sin. We ask for forgiveness for our sins of omission and commission. We ask for the grace from Our Lady of Aokpe to avoid temptation and we make good resolutions. I have often wondered why the devil possessed Judas Iscariot after he shared the last supper meal with Jesus and His disciples. Remember this was when the Holy Eucharist celebration was instituted - The First Mass.
Finally, attending Holy Mass worthily means that we need to avoid distractions during the celebration of Mass. Very often we are at Holy Mass only physically. This happens to even the best of us and we give up easily. A first step towards reducing distractions is to identify and list down what causes us most distraction. Then run to Our Mother and ask for help for each of the distractions on our list. Our Lady will help us to have so much love for Jesus, present during Holy Mass that we shall wake up one day and the distractions are gone.
Have a blessed day brothers and sisters and may Our Lady of Aokpe, the Mediatrix of All Graces, guide all our actions and make them pleasing to Her Son. Amen
Author: Mrs. Justina Ilochi